How do I prepare for Microdermabrasion on my Face?

How do I prepare for Microdermabrasion on my Face?

Prepare for Treatments

At Cosmetic Creations Spa we want you to get the most our of your skin treatments in our Spa.  Read the following to prepare for your microdermabrasion treatment on your skin.

The microdermabrasion process can be hard on your skin. If your skin is irritated before treatment, your provider may want to postpone the procedure.

Do not get microdermabrasion if you currently have:

  • An active cold sore outbreak
  • An open wound or other skin irritation.
  • A rash
  • Rosacea
  • A suspicious mole
  • Sunburn

If you have taken the acne medication isotretinoin in the past six months, you should wait to have a microdermabrasion treatment.

A few precautions to take in the two to three days before your treatment include:

  • If you have let the technician know if you have had waxing done recently.
  • Stay out of the sun to avoid a sunburn

Unless otherwise instructed, avoid using topical treatments on the morning of the appointment. If possible, come to the appointment with a clean face without makeup.

Contact us to set up your appointment.

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